Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Day for All Mothers

I picked up a book called, "Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul" and I have started reading stories that "open the hearts and rekindle the spirit of mothers".  What the authors wrote in the Introduction was quite powerful.  The first line reads,

"This book is our gift to you, the mothers of the world.  In writing this book we wanted to honor mothers everywhere, but how can you thank a mother for the gift of life?"

The Gift of Life.  That is exactly what being a mother is all about, isn't it?  The relationship between a mother and child is so very special.  I attended a baby shower not too long ago, and it was so nice to see the new mother with her new little bundle of joy.  She was also blessed to have her own mother, her mother-in-law and her step-mother at this event.  In addition to that, she had three of her own grandmothers there.  This little baby boy Grayden was surrounded by seven mothers who all have a vested interest in his health, happiness and success.  Maternal instincts are so very strong, and it is passed along the generations. This little boy has had a wonderful start, surrounded by motherly, grandmotherly and great-grandmotherly love. 

When I was a child, I found it odd to see other mothers being wished a "Happy Mother's Day".  I thought I was the only one with a mother, and that day was reserved especially for her.  Mother's are special and now that I am a mother myself, I appreciate and respect all that my mother did for me and my two brothers.  I now notice and appreciate all the forms that a mother can take.  I see it when a dog has puppies and she nutures her young.  I see it when the birds build a nest and prepare for their offspring.  I notice when celebrities like Madonna, Angelina Jolie-Pitt and Sandra Bullock adopt children from far-away lands in hopes of giving children around the world a better chance at life.  I see the love my mother-in-law has for all her children and grandchildren (and sons and daughter-in-law).  

The one thing I know for sure, is "once a mother, always a mother". I have spoken to hundreds of elderly women who still worry about and are concerned for their adult children and grandchildren. The love of a mother is undying.  The love and gratitude we have for the mothers and grandmothers and other significant women who have passed before us is still there and lives on.  It is always a privilege to remember and honour those special women that have brought us life and nurtured our spirits years ago.

I close with this:  "God couldn't be everywhere, so he created Mothers".  Happy Mother's Day.


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