Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Movie night

What is your favourite, feel-good movie? When we take the time to sit with family, friends, or just to be by ourselves, it is often a good time to watch a movie that can make us reflect on life, have a good laugh, or feel good. Most of the movies out there nowadays include a lot of violence, and I choose to avoid those movies because they don't make me feel good.

One of my favourite movies, is called, "August Rush", a musical drama. The music, cinematography, and storyline are so beautiful. The ending is awesome. Make sure you have lots of kleenex on hand. This is a movie I can watch over and over again.

"Tells the story of Louis, a charismatic young Irish guitarist and Lyla, a sheltered young cellist who have a chance encounter one magical night above New York's Washington Square, but are soon torn apart, leaving in their wake an infant, August Rush, orphaned by circumstance. Now performing on the streets of New York and cared for by a mysterious stranger, August uses his remarkable musical talent to seek the parents from whom he was separated at birth. Rated G, 2007."

Happy movie-watching!


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