Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost, Found and Rewarded

Have you ever lost something and then have someone return it to you?  Have you ever found something and been able to return it to someone?  My husband rides his bike to work most days, and he often finds things in his travels.  His most recent finding was a cell phone.  He looked in the contacts, and tried to call the "home" number, but there was no answer.  Shortly after, the cell phone rang, and it turned out it was the owner.  He arranged to return the phone to its rightful owner, and he was pleasantly surprised with a $20 reward.  It is so nice to get a reward for helping someone get something back that they thought they may have lost for good.

Last year, I saw a dog running across the street in our neighbourhood.  Being a dog-owner myself, I could only imagine the worst, if this dog was not brought back home to safety.  I stopped my car, assessed that this dog was friendly, and enticed this large, happy, dog into my back seat.  Fortunately this dog had on a name tag with his home address.  I was able to drive this dog back to his home, and ensure he was safe again.  That evening, I had a knock on my front door, and the owners gave me a gift of a bottle of wine.  That was an unexpected reward and very much appreciated.

If you have lost or found something, there are great websites you can go to to find out if you can locate your item or return the item to its rightful owner.

A big boquet goes out to anyone who has ever found something and returned it, and to those who have offered rewards or gifts/letters/words of appreciation to those who have returned their lost items.  It makes the world we live in a happier one.



Hampers said...

I just recently discovered your blog and am so glad I did. What a sweet post!

Angela G. Gentile said...

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!